Dear Clearview Elementary School Families,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic school year at Clearview Elementary School! On behalf of the faculty and staff, I am delighted to have you as part of our school community. We are excited to embark on this new school year together, fostering growth and learning in an environment that thrives on collective commitment and dedication.

As the Principal of Clearview Elementary School, I am honored to continue the exceptional work of our dedicated faculty and staff. Together with you, our educational stakeholders, we are committed to providing engaging, rigorous, and future-focused instruction that supports student growth and achievement. Our goal is to help every student excel to their fullest potential.

Parental involvement is crucial to the success of our students. Your support, encouragement, and active participation significantly influence your child’s educational journey. We ask that students come to school with a positive growth mindset, ready to work hard, attend regularly, and show kindness to all. Reading with your child and engaging with their academic work can significantly impact their learning experience.

Our district is dedicated to excellence in all areas of student development, including academics, social skills, and behavior. This year, we are excited to continue our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (P.B.I.S.) initiative, which aims to foster a positive school culture and enhance student behavior and academic success. Clearview Elementary School will focus on four pillars: Safety, Ownership, Acceptance, and Respect, which together form our S.O.A.R. initiative.

Clearview Elementary School is proud of its commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. Our building received the L.E.E.D. Gold award from the United States Council of Green Buildings in 2004, a testament to our dedication to creating a healthy, efficient, and cost-saving green environment.

We look forward to a wonderful school year filled with learning, growth, and success. Thank you for your partnership and support in making Clearview Elementary School an exceptional place for our students to thrive.

Yours in Education,

Mr. Walker

Principal, Clearview Elementary School