The district invites and welcomes parent and citizen involvement in the schools. Citizens have a wealth of valuable knowledge and experience which can benefit our students. By becoming involved in the schools, parents and citizens gain a better understanding of how the education process works, and contribute to the continuing improvement of education.
Advisory Committees
The superintendent or principals may appoint advisory committees to gather information and make recommendations on given topics of importance to the district or to individual schools. The Chapter II and Business Education Committees review how effectively federal funds have been used in those programs. The parents of students assigned to the special reading program and special education programs are especially encouraged to participate in activities designed for parental involvement.
High School Parents Advisory Council
Parents of high school students are welcome to attend monthly evening meetings in the library with the principal and assistant principal to discuss any matters of mutual concern. Topics often include curriculum, school policies, delivery of instruction, and budgetary concerns.
Block Parent Program
Out of concern for the safety of our children, the district and PTO sponsor a Block Parent Program. At least one home in each school block displays an orange block parent sign. To a child on the way to or from school, the block parent sign means protection and help in an emergency, such as an alarming stranger(s), sudden illness, or an accident. Skinned knees, the desire for a drink of water, and the like are not emergencies. Before school begins, we recommend that parents of kindergartners or other new students walk their children to the school they will attend. Parents should emphasize how, when, and where to cross the streets. The orange block parent signs along the way should also be pointed out. If you are interested in becoming a part of this public service, please contact the administration office.
Adult Crossing Guards
At the middle and high school, Adult Crossing Guards are posted at the intersections to stop traffic so the children may cross the streets safely near the school. Students are only to cross at intersections and areas where there are specifically designated large white hash marks painted on the streets. The District is always looking for substitutes, so if you are interested in serving the community as a guard, apply to the Hanover Public School District.
Adult crossing guards are supervised by the Hanover Police Department and the Hanover Public School District.
Parent-Teacher Organization (P.T.O.)
Parent-teacher organizations have been an ongoing extension of the elementary and middle school programs. Parents are invited to join at the beginning of each school year. The dues are $2.00 per parent member. Membership is also offered at the annual Open House Programs held in September at each individual school. Each parent-teacher organization elects officers, conducts general meetings, and executive committee meetings throughout the school year. Committees within each organization are formed to provide services and activities for the students of the given schools.
Community Volunteers in the Schools
Our school buildings are open to parents or other citizens willing to donate some of their time to the schools. Volunteers serve in many non-instructional positions, such as clerical aides, classroom aides, chaperones, and resource persons. If you would like to work a few hours a week as a volunteer, contact the office of the building in which you would like to work for information about openings.
Citizens’ Review of Textbooks
Citizens have the opportunity to review text books before they are adopted by the school board. All texts proposed for adoption are placed on display in the administration office for ten days, during which time any citizen of the borough may review them.