*All meetings will be held in the boardroom of the Administration Building, 403 Moul Avenue, Hanover, PA 17331 unless otherwise noted.*

Citizens Welcome at School Board Meetings

All citizens of Hanover are encouraged to attend public school board meetings. Any resident or taxpayer of the district may address the Hanover Public School District Board of Education.

It is board policy to schedule a 15-minute period on the agenda when citizens may make presentations for board consideration. To get an item on the school board agenda, please call the superintendent’s office at (717) 637-9000 Ext. 225 or fill out this on-line registration form. Item are to be submitted to the board secretary for inclusion on the agenda five days before the meeting. Items involving considerable research or discussion will be referred to the proper official or special committee for further study.

To maintain order during the meetings, there are guidelines that should be followed.
Be prepared and organized. If you wish to speak to the Board, you should prepare yourself. A prepared and organized speaker who is respectful of the Board and presents his or her concerns in an organized manner will likely come away with a positive feeling.
Understand the framework of the meeting. Although your topic is of major concern to you, a visitor should remember that the Board has business to conduct and an agenda to follow. The public can address the Board at the beginning of each meeting on items on the agenda and at the end of the meeting concerning other items.

Follow the rules. Public participation is allowed, but not at the expense of an orderly, efficient meeting.

Parental Questions and Concerns

Parents should feel free to call the school their child attends with questions and concerns. The chain of communication begins with that school. Any parent coming before the Board with a concern will be asked if he or she has approached the building principal. When you have a concern, call or make an appointment with the teacher, counselor or principal who will have the right information to help you.
With certain exceptions, the Board of School Directors meets monthly on the second and fourth Monday at 6:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the Administration Building. Board committee meetings are scheduled on various dates per the 2013 Meeting Dates attached at the top of this page. All Board meetings are publicly noted in compliance with legal requirements.
The public is invited to all committee meetings of the Hanover Public School District. These committee meetings are held on the Tuesday in the Board Room of the Administration Building. With certain exceptions the meetings begin at 6:00 p.m.

Handicapped Visitors

The district wants to provide equal access to its buildings for all citizens of the community. Handicapped individuals who wish to visit our schools are advised to contact the building administrator in advance. The administrator will then be able to make special arrangements for seating or other assistance at needed.
